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Marketing meets talent acquisition

Everything you need to know about recruitment marketing. From talent attraction to employer branding, candidate experience, and more.

How to Amplify Your Employer Brand on Social Media

Your company is a great place to work, and you’ve got a strong employer brand to show for it.

But what do you have to show for your employer brand? If you’ve been having a difficult time attracting applicants and recruiting top talent, you might be...

Is Your Applicant Experience Costing You Qualified Candidates?

For years, most businesses have had things backwards. Conventional wisdom held that the application and interview processes were good ways to test...

How a Strong Employer Brand Can Decrease Cost per Hire

When it comes to hiring, reputation matters. Not only can your employer brand influence people when deciding whether or not to apply for a position...

5 Strategies for Building a Stronger Talent Pipeline

Fun fact: recruiting a software developer can take more than 6 months and cost more than $30,000 on average—and that’s without accounting for lost...

5 Myths About Recruitment Marketing

Let’s face it: when we think about the job of crafting a company’s public image, we mostly think of traditional marketing aimed at potential...

The Employer Branding Playbook

Your company is a great place to work, and you’ve got a strong employer brand to show for it. But how do you turn that employer brand into a steady flow of qualified applicants?


Learn how F500 companies are using SmartDreamers to transform talent acquisition