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Marketing meets talent acquisition

Everything you need to know about recruitment marketing. From talent attraction to employer branding, candidate experience, and more.

5 Tips for Sourcing Candidates Through Social Media

Fun fact: only 20% of potential job candidates frequent traditional job boards like Craigslist and Indeed. Of the remaining 80%, most already have a job, but a large percentage of these passive job candidates would gladly switch jobs if the right...

Employer Brand vs. EVP: What's the Difference?

Kurt Vonnegut once said, in response to the question of why one should write books when senators and generals and other important people won’t read...

How to Run a Recruitment Campaign with Google Ads

The way people search for jobs changed in the last years, and Google remains one of the main starting places in looking for a job. This means that...

How Applicant Experience Affects Your Talent Pipeline

In sales and marketing, the sales pipeline refers to the process of moving customers and potential customers through the buyer’s journey from...

The Importance of Candidate Personas in Modern Recruiting

Successful recruitment isn’t about sourcing the most applicants, it’s about sourcing the right applicants. Unfortunately, many of the strategies that...

The Top 5 Recruitment Channels in Brazil 2020

Following the Rio Olympics in 2016, it seemed like there was a surge of interest in Brazil as a business destination. As the largest country in Latin...

5 Tips for Promoting Your Employer Brand on YouTube

When you think of the most obvious places to promote your employer brand, your first thoughts might be of professional networks like LinkedIn, or...

The Employer Branding Playbook

Your company is a great place to work, and you’ve got a strong employer brand to show for it. But how do you turn that employer brand into a steady flow of qualified applicants?


5 Best Practices for Recruitment Marketing Automation

We’ve spoken more than once on this blog about the power of recruitment marketing automation. And, indeed, by streamlining the process of purchasing,...

The Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Cost per Hire

Recruiters use all sorts of metrics to track their efforts: retention rate, time to hire, time to fill, etc. But in many hiring departments one...

The Impact of Machine Learning on Modern Recruitment

Recruitment has changed a lot over the decades. What used to be done via print classified ads and fax machines is now, for many businesses, almost...

Don't Have a Facebook Career Page? Here's Why You Should

Facebook is gigantic. To paraphrase Douglas Adams (albeit he was talking about space), you won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it...

Can Marketing Automation Help Your Social Media Recruitment Efforts?

In 1982, a few years before the creation of the World Wide Web, computer scientists at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania decided...

How (and Why) to Attract Quality Job Candidates on Facebook

The title of this post may be a little misleading, because we’re actually going to start with the “why” and move on to the “how” as we go. But it is...

5 Best Practices for Recruitment Marketing on Facebook

Of the seven billion people on this planet, two billion use Facebook at least once a month. Each day, Facebook has more than a billion unique...

5 Key Metrics for Tracking Your Employer Brand

Employer branding isn’t something you have, it’s something you do. This is the reason that so many businesses struggle when trying to measure the...

Hire Developers Faster with These 5 Tips

As of a few years ago, there were five job openings for every job-seeking developer in the United States. The unemployment rate for developers...

How to Define Your Employee Value Proposition

In today’s red-hot market for top talent, it can be difficult for companies to stand out from the crowd. According to a recent poll, 57% of recruiters

Can Recruitment Marketing Automation Decrease Time to Hire?

Marketing automation is all the rage, and recruitment marketing is sure to follow the same trend into the world of automated workflows. But will it...

What Your Employer Brand Says to Potential Applicants

There are too many definitions of marketing to count, but one of our favorites comes from Dr. Philip Kotler, who says, “Marketing identifies...

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